Photo Editing Services Advanced photo editing for photographers

Available Services

When time allows I offer photo editing services to other photographers where they are either short of time or their Photoshop skills don’t stretch to the edits required.

Possible edits include many things from object addition/removal, background clean up, head swaps, composites, retouching, collages and more.

I at this time only offer manipulation services, I do not cull or offer basic editing.

See the below gallery for examples of what I can do, yes the below are almost all horses as that is the majority of my work but I can do non horsey as well!

How it works

You contact me with your requirements, including the photo(s) needing to be edited. At this point please only send web resolution files (max 2048 px on long edge) I will provide a cost and turnaround time which you can then choose to accept or not. If you accept payment must be provided at the point of accepting the quote in addition to the high res files. The edit will then be completed and I will return both jpeg and psd/tiff files as required.

All files must be sent at the highest resolution available once the quote has been accepted. I suggest using wetransfer, dropbox or googledrive (amongst others) to share the files. I strongly suggest any RAW editing is completed prior to the images being sent across.

I happily accept commissions from overseas photographers but all payments must be in GBP, this is easily done via Paypal payments though.


Please use the sliders to see the before and after for each image. You will see everything from image composites, background removal, object reconstruction, and more in the below examples. If you would like to see an example of a specific edit type not shown below please ask.

How can I help with your editing?

Drop me a message and we can discuss how I can help. I always reply where I can, even if fully booked, within 48 hours of your email. So if you haven’t heard from me please check your junk folder, and if needed message me again.

Please email me at

Remember to include web res (approx max 2048px on long side) copies of images which need editing, and what you require being done to the images. I Will then reply either with some questions or if straight forward a quote and time scale accordingly.