My Journal Behind The Magic

Why I don’t photograph 40 weddings a year

Why I don’t photograph 40 weddings a year

I'm a part time wedding photographer and that's a good thing! I don't often get on my soap box but today I am! I had a conversation today which triggered me to write this blog. It was about someone wanting a 'proper' wedding photographer. It wasn't a discussion about...

DLSR to Mirrorless – A year’s review

DLSR to Mirrorless – A year’s review

Just under a year ago I made the staged switch from my Canon DSLRs to Canon mirrorless cameras. Would I go back? In a word no, and here's why!DSLR vs Mirrorless, What is the difference? To put it simply the biggest difference is as per the name the lack of a mirror!...

Why are some people so scared of sharing knowledge?

Why are some people so scared of sharing knowledge?

I have always believed it is the responsibility of the current generation to prepare the next. That applies just as much to photographers as it does any other industry, and in fact for life in general. But within creative industries, there seems to be a hesitancy...

It’s all about the details

It’s all about the details

When every couple plans their wedding they spend an inordinate amount of time choosing even the smallest details. Although some of these details may not be individually noticed by all guests, they will be vital in sculpting the day and the experience for all involved....

Behind The Magic – Understanding aspect ratios

Behind The Magic – Understanding aspect ratios

If you're reading this article you most likely have stumbled across the term 'aspect ratios' and are wondering how it affects your photography. What are aspect ratios? Put very simply it's the shape of your photograph. You can shape your frame either as a square or...

Behind The Magic – The importance of correct colour

Behind The Magic – The importance of correct colour

Every time you upload a photo to social media you are presented with the option to apply a filter. Each filter does something different but almost all in some way affect the appearance of colour. Filters can be fantastic as they allow you to maintain a consistency to...

Behind the Magic – Equine Session Workflow

Behind the Magic – Equine Session Workflow

I've previously gone into some detail of my editing workflow but what about the whole session? Let me take you on a whirlwind tour of how an equine session goes! Before the Session • Send client welcome guide - This answers all the questions a client should have, and...

Learn how to use OCF for black background portraits like a pro

Learn how to use OCF for black background portraits like a pro

If you are a photographer browsing my site you may well be interested in how I work and how I create my stunning studio lit black background images.Well good news you can now find out exactly how by subscribing to my first online training course to teach you exactly...

Planning photography into your wedding day timings

Planning photography into your wedding day timings

Where to start? It is important to plan when in your wedding day key photography moments are going to take place, and how long they are going to take, even if you are having documentary  coverage as you need to ensure your photographer is in the right place at the...

The importance of original imagery

The importance of original imagery

Original imagery or stock? On brand original imagery is essential for the success of every business and brand especially in today's digital led market place. Imagery can make and indeed break a business. It's not just product photography that is important, but any...

Behind The Magic – My wedding survival kit

Behind The Magic – My wedding survival kit

Once upon a time when I was young, I was a girl guide, and the motto we followed, just like the Scouts was 'Be Prepared'. This is something that follows through with me to this day and one of the things I therefore carry on me at all my weddings is my essentials...

Commercial Photography – What type suits which businesses?

Commercial Photography – What type suits which businesses?

Every business has a product, it may be a physical object or alternatively a service, and to make that product successful in the current digital age imagery is essential. Although it is possible to take an image with a phone, it is rarely a well lit balanced photo...

Behind The Magic – 10 tips when buying new equipment

Behind The Magic – 10 tips when buying new equipment

When I started with digital photography I bought everything new, cameras, lenses, everything. Within a couple of years I learnt that is actually quite short sighted and expensive. Sure if you can afford it then feel free and go right ahead and buy new, but if not...

Behind the Magic – Photographing in low light

Behind the Magic – Photographing in low light

Light is vital for taking photographs. If we had our own way as photographers, we would only utilise venues and times of the day when the light is ideal, but more often than not we don't have perfect light, and instead we need to deal with what we have. Sometimes you...

What would you like to know?

Have you got a burning question you would like to ask me? Would you like to know something about how I create my images or how I work? Drop me a line and let me know.