Once upon a time when I was young, I was a girl guide, and the motto we followed, just like the Scouts was ‘Be Prepared’. This is something that follows through with me to this day and one of the things I therefore carry on me at all my weddings is my essentials survival kit.
One of my aims as a photographer, in addition to taking magical photos, is also to minimise stress for the couple throughout the day. I do this in any practical ways I can within reason, and this can often include having little things to hand which save time and stress trying to be found during the day, hence the creation of my survival kit.
The Contents
The contents of this kit has grown over the years and is actually now quite vast and diverse. I add items that I think will be needed for various reasons. Just a few things included in my bag includes:
A sewing kit
A ring!!
Other jewellery
Heel covers
Lip glosses
Hair grips
Super glue
Eye liner
Sanitary products
There are a few items I simply can’t fit in my small bag but I normally have close at hand, water, deodorant and baby wipes to name just a few!
At just my last wedding the bag was raided multiple times for various items helping to avoid some problematic situations. Many of the items may also be carried by members of the wedding party or guests, but I let the wedding party know I have the bag so I’m an easy central point to come to if needed.
Yes occasionally there is a request for something I don’t have, but you can guarantee it that at the next wedding it will be in there!
Have you got any suggestions for what should be in it? Do you think I may have missed something? Please let me know.
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